Sunday, June 26, 2011

One Crazy Summer

So I realized today that we are going to have a crazy summer. Not quite as crazy as the movie One Crazy Summer (starring John Cusack and Demi Moore in their younger years). However, it is going to be pretty packed, and I couldn't be happier.

We visited Alycia and Steven which was a blast, and this week was mostly lots of work. I am applying to be a Roving CSM for Zions Bank, Jameson applied for a job with Fidelity, and I am really really nervous. Everyone please keep us in your prayers, so that we can get the positions. It would be really good for us financially.

We got to go to Jameson cousin Devon's wedding reception. I loved the lemonade bar that they had (blackberry, raspberry and strawberry mix ins), but we were really hungry. So Jameson's family went to Chuck-A-Rama. It was good to be there with Debbie, ReNae and Beth because we are all trying to lose weight (some of us more successfully than others). It kept us all pretty honest.

Saturday was so much fun. We went to the Taylorsville Parade (think Lander Fourth of July minus the massive amounts of horse manure). It was fun to be there with Cloie and McKelle because they would run in the street and get us candy. It was at this point we realized some benefits of having children. Then we cleaned the house (much needed), and went to Katie Simmons pool party. I haven't played in the water in a long long time. Cicily and Jameson made it lots of fun. Hands Up Stands Up. Then the Taylorsville Day fireworks! It was so much fun to cuddle with a handsome man and watch fireworks. It was amazing. Good precursor to Dr. Bills . . .

Good Book To Read: Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart :especially if you are part of the Grande Old Dame Book Club

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cracking Up

Jameson and I went down to Cedar City to visit Alycia and Steven, my sister in law and her husband. And may I just say . . . it was lovely. We got there pretty late on Friday night. Then the plan was to get up early and go for a brisk 3 mile run. Instead we just slept in. I know. It is all that I have ever hoped for. Alycia did have to get up early to get her bountiful basket (I will have to blog about this later, but here is the site for the fruit/veggie co-op).

We eventually got ourselves together and went to Kolob (part of Zions National Park), and went for a 1 mile hike. Then we did some touristy shopping and I ended up with a crock-pot cookbook, an old copy of Sarah, Plain and Tall, and some stuff from Bath and Body Works. We met up with our friends Eric and Chelsea who made quite the ballsy (sorry, I couldn't think of an adequate substitute for that word) move and left for St. George on a whim. They have this great apartment and I was impressed with thier moxy.

We all journeyed to the red rock to do some hiking around. We checked out the crack and I *almost made it all the way through. I was excessively impressed with myself since I suffer from claustrophobia in a mild (kinda crazy big) way. I held the panic at bay and made it all the way. Finally, we hiked up Dixie rock and watched a first time repeller go over the rock. We applauded her when she made it all the way down.

Sunday it rained and I read a book. Might be my favorite thing we did.

That's right. I am AWESOME!

This is Alycia and myself as seen from above in the crack (please, we are all adults here).

In case you haven't seen enough of him, here is my handsome husband himself. We made an attempt to visit a discovery park in the rain. It turns out Jameson looks great in the rain too.

Great Book to Read: I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to everyone. But it talks a lot about food, something I happen to love. The writing isn't exactly riveting, but I really enjoyed reading the book. Sweet Love by Sarah Strohmeyer.

*My boobs were too big to let me through the smallest part. Yet another reason to lose weight.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Triathlon Training

This is really just an update on our lives. There are no pictures or really interesting links to share on this fine day.

First of all, my run this morning was really hard. You know how some days you cruise, like you have a motor in your legs and nothing is going to stop you? Yeah, that wasn't today for me. It could be because I upped the run to 2.5 miles. Just a thought. If anyone has any thoughts or comments on the best ways to train for a sprint tri, now would be the time to post those thoughts.

Second, Jameson has been fishing nearly everyday, and hasn't caught anything. If anyone has any thoughts on that (besides the obvious comments regarding the fisherman) those would also be appreciated. Particularly in regards to how to get the line to NOT break.

Third, I have been making a LOT of bread lately and would appreciate any recipes. So if you have any, please share. Here is my favorite white bread recipe. I am also reading a book about desserts, and, as I am dieting, I love to make other people eat dessert (it's a twisted need). So any great desserts would be appreciated as well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Living Room

So a few weeks ago (and I mean like a month ago), Jameson and I decided to brave a hike that has eluded us twice before. Determined that it would not defeat us thrice, I was armed this time. All it really came down to was having an additional set of directions. Normally I can hang my hat by Falcon Guides, especially just for day hikes. Anyway, the name of the hike is the Living Room. It is so named because there are sandstone rocks that have been placed by well-meaning and creative people to look and feel like chairs. Here are some pictures of us sitting in them:

This here is me. I am sitting on a recliner. I think I am in love with this picture because it shows none of my sweat (which was profuse), or my rolls of fat. Thank you Jameson for making me look good -- as usual.

Speaking of looking good, here is Jameson in the same recliner (they also had a love seat, but all the pictures on the other pieces of furniture were less than desirable. Anyway, as I recall, this was more of a throne than a recliner anyway. That makes it cooler).

I just wanted to include this photo because it makes Salt Lake look like Japan. A feat to be admired. And yes, I did it on purpose. I just thought the trees looked cool in the smog.

As a side note, the hike was nearly impossible to climb. Also, it nearly killed me. Mostly because I was out of shape. I am embarrassed to admit, but I could hardly walk for a week. It was two miles straight uphill. Jameson was fine. It might have been this hike that made me take a long look at the best way for me to train for the triathlon in August. So far, the training is going really really well. I ran 2 miles today! Also, Jameson is giving up soda (2 days so far) and I am giving up treats (unless it is sugar free, then I can have one per day). We are so awesome!

Great Book to read: Matched by Ally Condie -- she was an English teacher in Salt Lake so you gotta respect those English teachers. I just want to say, I would choose Xander. Every time. I am more like the character's Mom. I keep the rules because I love my family. I liked this in some ways more than Hunger Games, and not because it was more lovey-dovey. I think that Katniss's society was obviously evil, and begged for revolution. Cassia's society is not quite so obviously evil. I think that raises more difficult comparisons in our own lives. Do we go gently, or not?