Sunday, November 30, 2014

We got a dog . . .

. . . and it was more of an adjustment than I anticipated. I mistakenly believed that because I had brought  child home and survived, everything else would be a cake walk.

I was wrong.
Sleeping at my feet -- all the time. She loves me, and it is very gratifying to have someone love me simply for providing food and water.

Shea is a beautiful, obedient, sweet, loyal, intensely shy year and half old chocolate lab. And we love her. That being said, I was simply not prepared for the following:

1. Getting up as early as 4:30 am to let her out to go poo.

2. Convincing Packer not to play in her water or eat her food.

3. Also, 'Don't ride Shea' has become a common phrase in our house.

4. Hives on my face. (This may have been a stress reaction, as it has since gone away)

5. Jameson's insistence that any minor ailment, from aches to sneezes to mild headaches, is due to his allergies to Shea. These complaints come often and are more detailed than I have patience for. The kicker is that he actually probably deserves my sympathy.

Any and all suggestions to solve these or other problems are seriously appreciated.

Good Book to read: Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia by Carmen Bin Ladin. Yep, Bin Ladin. This was both terrifying and informative.

Our week in pictures:

Packer loves Shea, especially walking her. Fortunately, she is very obedient and doesn't go running off at all, so her can 'walk' her.

Climbed his first tree all by himself!!

Fashioned his own walking stick to navigate the treacherous leaf piles.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everyday Divinity

I know, I haven't posted in forever. I don't feel bad about it.

So, funny story, I forgot to ask someone to cover for one of my teachers today, so I ended up teaching the lesson on Individual Responsibility (of all things) in church. Anyway, long story short, it went well, and I got to teach.  Which I love. So things could have been worse.

Lately, I have been . . . FRUSTRATED with my chosen role as a stay at home mother. The sheer tedium of 2 year old conversations have slowly been driving me to the brink of insanity. As I studied for this lesson, I was reminded that this very work that I do that is the most important. And not for my kids. Consistent work that is motivated by love teaches me to be a better person -- hopefully more like my Father in Heaven. If our God loves us (and he does), then why is so much of our lives forcing ourselves to do things that we would rather not (thinking of dishes here)? In order to grow, we have to work. We must overcome obstacles and learn wisdom.

I still hate washing dishes, but at least for now, I remember that there is a greater purpose to it.

Good Book to Read: The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle -- Seriously, I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads.

Good Youtube: This is a video I showed to the ladies in church.

Our week, in photos:

Napping at Murray Park

Hanging with our main man Spencer in 'my' leaves.

Falling in love with a stuffed cat at Wiggle Worms at the library and consequently riding it for the duration of the program.

Napping at the library
Feigning (or maybe genuine) disinterest in penguins at the aquarium.

Napping at the aquarium

Monday, May 12, 2014

Garbage Cake

Today as I was cleaning the bathroom, I realized that the house was suspiciously quiet. For those of you who don't have kids, I want to say that when kids are quiet, it doesn't ALWAYS indicate that your child is doing something they know they aren't supposed to. But it usually ends up that way.

This was no exception. I had thrown away a cake that a friend had given us. It had sat on the counter a little too long and was super stale. Packer found it as he was riffling through the garbage (it was mostly on top) and thought he won the jack pot. By the time I found him, half the garbage cake was missing.

Jameson said Packer was gross. I said funny and determined.
After I took a picture, he realized he was caught, grabbed a giant handful and cake, and ran the opposite direction I was coming from.

Stuffing his face, and, seriously, the cake ended up everywhere in our house.
I am a pretty laid back mom, and honestly didn't care if he wanted to dig through the garbage for stale cake (I swear I feed my son). Cleaning up after Packer was pretty easy, and I am keeping my fingers crossed he didn't ingest some sort of nasty amoeba that gives him the runs.

However, I couldn't get too mad, because I have made far bigger messes that needed way more cleaning up when I was going after my own version of 'garbage cake'.

In the future, when I decide I just don't care, and must have _____________, I will try to ask myself, 'Is this garbage cake?' It might save me from some bad decisions . . .

Or not.

Good Book to Read: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. I am not quite through it, but such a grand idea that really carries surprisingly well.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Throwing Rocks in Water

Everyone has a happy place, and for most, it changes often depending on what we most want in a moment. However, I have found a new spot that is full of serenity. Not quite of the Hawaiian sunset viewed from a hammock strength, but it as close as I am ever likely to get at this stage of life.

So we go to Wheeler Farm like all the time. Seriously, at least once a week. It is free, there are farm animals and a park. Kind of a no-brainer since we live maybe 5 minutes away. They have this whole area behind the farm that is just  . . . cultivated wilderness? I don't know. It doesn't seem like the untouched wild to me, but I'm a little spoiled in that respect (Wyoming). Anyway, there is a dirt trail that people jog on. And trees. And a river/creek/brook.

We found the sweetest spot just this side of the little river/creek that runs through the farm where it slows down a feels a little bit safer to let a 2 year old near. Packer throws rocks in the water, and I sit and just enjoy the sound of a brook running by while I let all the sludge of days slide off my soul. It is a semi secluded area.

Please don't come and find me :)

Good Book to Read: The High Kind by Lloyd Alexander -- this is the final in the series and pretty fantastic.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Crossing Guard Tan

I am a crossing guard, and proud of it. Most of the kids I cross NEVER get run over. However, I have a favorite pair of shoes that I love to wear to cross. However, a friend recently thought my feet were dirty.

They weren't. I bought a new pair of shoes.

Movie I Watched Recently: Mean Girls -- Lindsay Lohan at her best.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Learning to say No

Jameson and I recently went to visit Barnes and Noble. This is obviously a rather dangerous store for us. Even thought we go 'just to play with the toy trains for Packer' we always end up fighting for browsing time while the other vaguely watches our son (usually reading something). We ALWAYS end up with purchases. Our home library has gotten a little out of hand. Jameson had the audacity to suggest that we sell some books. It was a short conversation, and I sincerely hope he learned his lesson.

Anyway, he put a book in my hands that was really a joke, but we ended up buying it. How to say NO without Feeling Guilty by Connie Hatch and Patti Breitman. Jameson often jokes that I have no clue how to say no. Anyway, this got me thinking about when I overload myself and why and if I feel badly about any of it.

It kind of came to a point when on a recent trip to Bicknell, Utah (yeah, I know -- could we get weirder or more beautiful Southern Utah?) and we visited a restaurant called Slackers. First, I want to say, it was AWESOME. Anyway, they had these fried green beans. They were all I wanted and I seriously had this weird battle in myself that went something like this:

Normal Katie: I really want those fried green beans.
Crazy Katie: But no one else is getting them, and that is weird. Get something else. Chicken.
Normal Katie: Well, I guess I could get that, but it is way more expensive.
Crazy Katie: WEIRDO! Who cares, look more normal.
Normal Katie: But I am not that hungry.
Crazy Katie: RED RUM!!

Remember this whole conversation happened in my head (yeah, I know, I'm nuts). I ended up getting the green beans, and guess what? No one cared, and everyone tried one. They were delicious. So I am trying to assert my actual wants and needs at least known. That way if I am a people pleaser (I am), I can be a little more aware of reining in the crazy and making sure that I say yes to what I want and no to what I don't.

I will keep you posted. (get it? because it is a blog post?)

Sountrack I Listened to While Writing this: Wicked, Original Broadway Cast

Friday, April 25, 2014

The New(ish) Aquarium

 Something I strongly recommend for any family anywhere is a season pass to an attraction nearby if possible. We have a relatively small family, so we just pick one a year to get a pass to, and we generally request this for a Christmas present. Usually it offers some sort of education opportunities for kids and a chance to get out of the house for adults. There are usually special perks for members and exclusive deals for them as well.

There is a really cool shark tube and giant auditorium/viewing area. We always end here, and he loves running between me and the sharks.

This year, we are members at the new Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Salt Lake City. And we LOVE it! I had been to the aquarium before they got their new digs, and it was pretty fun. We went to their members preview when it opened and we were left a little, well, less impressed. Most of the exhibits were still under construction so it was a bit of a let down. However, we have been back a few times since, and it just gets better and better.
Packer LOVES these little turtles that are in a small exhibit in the South America section. Once, when his Aunt Alycia asked him what a turtle says, he said 'ribbit'. I was pleased that he kept it in the amphibian family.

The penguins are a big crowd pleaser, and we are no exception, although, Packer really likes the Emperor Penguin cut out more because he loves Happy Feet 2.
Pirahanas? I want to say? I can't believe he gets to see this stuff.

This is just at the 'make a souvenire penny thing' -- nothing special. But he is just. so. cute!
Trying to see the flat turtles. So cute.
Book I recommend: Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander -- this is the 4th book in the Prydain series, and it is an excellent series for young boys to read. I would say between the ages of 10-11.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Right Words at the Right Time

I think I was about 10 years old the first time I stayed up reading a book all night. It was a glorious experience that has repeated itself many times (all Harry Potter books, opening night).

That said, I probably haven't read a sizable book in a day in ages. I am a mom and my reading time, while cherished, is limited. I shocked myself yesterday, threw caution to the wind, and let a book carry me away until midnight. It was Forbidden Sea by Shiela A Nielson.

It was looking at me from a shelf in the library and I picked it up on a whim. I am a bit of a lover of fantasy books from the 1970s. The cover art was reminiscent of these fantasies, so that might have been what drew me to it, however it was published in 2010. The description does not do it justice, and led me to believe that it would be Twilight all over again but with Mermaids.

I have never been more wrong. The plot centers around a young girl who is in a very difficult situation, and works really hard not just physically to help provide for her recently impoverished family, but also emotionally. She is often demeaned by those around her, and her incredible determined spirit is taken for granted. She is falsely accused of many things, but continues to show love to those around her (a little gruffly, at times).

This struck a cord with me because I have never felt so spiritually and emotionally rewarded at this point in my life, but I also feel keenly the sacrifices I have made. I gave up a career to stay home with my son, and my efforts as a mother are often more of the hugs and kisses variety, and less of the golden star on my report card for everyone to see.

This book helped me remember that what I want is to be a strong person for my family because I love them regardless of what others seem to think or say. I want to be kind in the face of skepticism and hold my head high that I had the courage to make a difficult choice.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Rule of Three

Hey sports fans! So today I wanted to just jot down a note about my personal 'rule of three'. If any of you read fantasy in any of it's varied forms you know that everyone gets three rules or challenges or wishes or attempts. Seriously, read a fairy tale. I recommend the Blue Fairy Book to start you out.

How every fairy tail should end . . .
I personally struggle to look like a decent human being most days. Although the ravages of time have not quite torn my former beauty from me, little sleep and lots of worry often do. I am of average girly-ness. My rule of three is this:

I can go out of the house if I have 2 of the following three things going for me: hair, makeup or clothing. 

First time I went to the color festival. So much fun. I didn't not hit 1 of these.

If I hit at least 2 it is a win (of course exercise is an exception) for the day, and I can feel like I am accomplished in the beauty/style department.

Obviously, I want to get all three done. But that isn't always possible. So here we are.

Beauty Product of the moment: Coola Sun Block and matte tinted skin moisturizer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sweet April Showers Bring Forth May Flowers

This small couplet has been occupying my mind of late. One reason is because it is raining in Utah and it is April (go figure). I think if rain sparkled like Edward Cullen's vampire chest, I might like it more. Another reason is that it is a small reminder of how to face challenges with a positive attitude.

This is a beautiful blooming bush covered in snow. It was magical.

I was going to try to post some pithy little Facebook post about it, and thought I would sound more intelligent if I looked it up on Wikipedia first. That is where I found the version that is the title for this post.

This is our little man at the park. Like a month ago. Notice, no snow.
I like this version because it says 'sweet'. In case you don't know, I overuse the words sweet, lovely, and the phrase 'for pity's sake' in my vocabulary with friends. This is partially because in collage a good friend and I decided to bring back some phrases that only elderly women say. They stuck. Another reason is that I try to focus on the sweet things in my life to avoid the existential terrors of existence.

We went to the preview day at the aquarium that is just opening in our town. I thought this should be a promotional photo for them. Again, no snow.
To get to my real point, I always refer to blessings in my life as good and sweet from a kind Father in Heaven. Whereas trials I face are an evil necessity imposed on me by God. However, trials often cultivate the sweetest, kindest and most spiritual moments in my life. Essentially, the sweet challenges bring forth the flowers of blessings.

Library fun! I totally recommend the library to anyone who wants to improve the life of their child. I go to the Murray City Library. And I love it. Those are frogs on his crown. He is a frog prince. Jameson thought he looked like a girl. He was wrong.

Good Book to Read: I am sucking my 52 book challenge up. I have like 3 make up books to get crackin' on. Any suggestions for quick reads are appreciated.    

Friday, March 28, 2014

How To Survive Being A Stay At Home Mom

Recently, I have had a number of friends exclaim something like, "Being a stay-at-home mom just isn't for me. I just can't stand to sit at home all day." Let me point out that this is potentially incredibly offensive. However, I think that the benefits of both staying at home and working have been covered in books, articles and blogs the world over many times by those much more eloquent than I. This post is for those that want to stay home with kids, but aren't quite sure how to hack it.

At the park, because we just couldn't be home.
Unfortunately, learning homemaking skills have become outmoded and incredibly passe. I, like many my age (still under 30 for a few more months . . . ) never really thought it useful to learn how to cook, clean or sew well. To this day, I would rather strut into a high power business meeting than face the reality of decorating my own home.

I have been a stay at home mom now for nearly 2 years, and this is my list of 'life-savers' for days I just can't take it any more.

Literally just sitting outside and letting him play with a soccer ball.

1. Have a Schedule. Everyone is different, and has a different parenting style, and I respect all of those and blah, blah, blah. That statement aside, I learned this from my mother. Long before I had children, she would say, "Kids need a schedule. They need to know what comes next; it just makes them feel safe." This rang true to me when I didn't have kids, and has proven so now that I do. It doesn't mean every second of the day has to be scheduled out, since that tends to add stress. It just means if kids know nap time is at 12 and bedtime is at 8, then so do you. You can make plans.

2. Make Plans. And Friends. Essentially, just get out of the house. Have a play date in the morning and go shopping in the afternoon. If all else fails, go to Chick-Fil-A. Best indoor play area ever. Go to the park, or Barnes and Noble (they have a great play area as well). Get a membership to the zoo, or the aquarium, or the aviary or whatever is where you are at. Then you have something you can do if your toddler drew on the wall and you aren't sure you can be a constructive parent anymore. As princess Elsa of Erendale once said, "It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small".
This is from a few months ago when we did a walking tour of south temple street in Salt Lake. I tried to shove him in a sweater that was too small. I would do it again.

3. Let It Go. I was recently at the park (probably calming myself down). I was the only one at the park actually sitting at a bench. Every other parent was up trying to show their children just how to play. I am all for being involved and teaching our kids. However, there is a time and place to just let your kid run around. Keep an eye out for obvious dangers, and sit your butt down. Let them make friends, or get pounded on by that giant that is masquerading about as a 3 year old. Give them the opportunity to learn on their own. Very often by doing so, we let them know we think they can do things.
This is how half our days end up. I shoot for only a few hours of TV every day. I rarely make it.

4. Know when you can't do things. Your life will fall apart, as will the house. Some inane butt head will inevitably say that they wish they could 'just sit at home all day' (this might be your husband) and you will visit a friend who always seems to have it all together. As a woman, I feel I should be capable of everything. I should have an immaculate home. I mean I am a stay at home mom. But I don't. Cut yourself some slack. Know when you can't do things.

There are lots of other things I could say about self-care (pedicures) and relationships and stuff. But I won't. I will just leave it at that.

Good Book to Read: The Weed That Strings The Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley    

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Banana Bread

I am have trying to focus on at least one big awesome thing that I do each day. Yesterday, instead of resorting to graham crackers and frosting for an afternoon snack (super tasty, but pretty much just junk. Also messy for Packer and myself), I made banana bread whilst my buddy napped.

I used the recipe from Deceptively Delicious. If you do not have this cookbook, get it. I have confiscated the one from the library and will buy one when they pry it from my hands in a few months (that's right 2 renewals equals almost 2 months of ownership). I am sure I will discuss this in further detail later.

It looked kind of like this -- without nuts. My camera is MIA -- so give it some time.
 Anyway, it was super yummy. Packer didn't go after it like he goes after frosting, but who can blame him? I, on the other hand have been munching on it like it was calorie free, which it is not. Here is the recipe:

Banana Bread (with cauliflower or if you don't have the cauliflower, an extra banana)
Nonstick cooking spray
3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
2 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups banana puree
1/2 cup cauliflower puree
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat a 9×5-inch loaf pan, or 2 mini pans, with cooking spray.
2. In a bowl or a zipper-lock bag, mix the flours with the baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the sugar and oil with a wooden spoon until well combined. Mix in the egg whites, banana and cauliflower purees, and vanilla. add the flour mixture and mix just until combined.
4. Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes for the large loaf, 25 to 30 minutes for the mini loaves. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then turn the bread out of the pan to cool before serving.

 Please enjoy and make it for your little people, or yourself, or a neighbor! It was easy to make and loads of fun!

Banana Bread (with cauliflower)
Nonstick cooking spray
3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
2 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups banana puree
1/2 cup cauliflower puree
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat a 9×5-inch loaf pan, or 2 mini pans, with cooking spray.
2. In a bowl or a zipper-lock bag, mix the flours with the baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the sugar and oil with a wooden spoon until well combined. Mix in the egg whites, banana and cauliflower purees, and vanilla. add the flour mixture and mix just until combined.
4. Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes for the large loaf, 25 to 30 minutes for the mini loaves. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then turn the bread out of the pan to cool before serving.
- See more at:
Banana Bread (with cauliflower)
Nonstick cooking spray
3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
2 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups banana puree
1/2 cup cauliflower puree
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat a 9×5-inch loaf pan, or 2 mini pans, with cooking spray.
2. In a bowl or a zipper-lock bag, mix the flours with the baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the sugar and oil with a wooden spoon until well combined. Mix in the egg whites, banana and cauliflower purees, and vanilla. add the flour mixture and mix just until combined.
4. Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes for the large loaf, 25 to 30 minutes for the mini loaves. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then turn the bread out of the pan to cool before serving.
- See more at:
Banana Bread (with cauliflower)
Nonstick cooking spray
3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
2 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups banana puree
1/2 cup cauliflower puree
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat a 9×5-inch loaf pan, or 2 mini pans, with cooking spray.
2. In a bowl or a zipper-lock bag, mix the flours with the baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the sugar and oil with a wooden spoon until well combined. Mix in the egg whites, banana and cauliflower purees, and vanilla. add the flour mixture and mix just until combined.
4. Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes for the large loaf, 25 to 30 minutes for the mini loaves. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then turn the bread out of the pan to cool before serving.
- See more at:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Park Cafe

Jameson had the day off yesterday to do our taxes. We had a gift certificate from our good friend, Mike Oyler to Park Cafe, this great breakfast/lunch place in downtown Salt Lake. We had tried going on a weekend and it was a disaster. Packer was a wreck, and there was a line out the door. So we thought this would be the perfect time to go.

We were right.

Mike raved to us about the food, but I honestly felt that I could make something that was just as good. What I really appreciated was the service. There didn't seem to be waiters assigned to a particular table (the atmosphere was very edgy/hipster-ish), but there were about a thousand waiters milling around so grabbing one wasn't too much of a task. Mostly, they were great with Packer, which was a very pleasant surprise. Due to the atmosphere, I expected to see rolled eyes and judgmental looks at my family. I have never been more wrong! The waiters immediately got a high chair for him, and brought him some animal crackers to munch on while we waited for our food. Every time a server passed us, he or she would smile and play a quick game with him. Consequently, he behaved really well in a rather busy place that would normally have him screaming to get down and run in about a thousand different directions.

I don't know if it would be great for multiple children, but it was such a fun family date for us!

*I know this looks like a post for park cafe, but it isn't. They have no clue who I am, and I doubt they really care.

Great Place to Eat: Park Cafe

Monday, February 17, 2014

Benefits of Exhaustion

First, I want to say 'Welcome Back to the World Me'! We had a rough Christmas and New Years. I had a miscarriage when I was about 10/11 weeks along - it was three days before Christmas. It was hard for me. However, it did launch me into a series of great goals that I got to start working on in January. They weren't really New Years Resolutions because they weren't really spurred on by the beginning of the year. They were really born out of a way for me to handle my grief (I realize I didn't lose a child or anything, but there was a grieving process none the less).

This picture is a fav of mine from when we did family pics in November. It makes me look deceptively thin.
Anyway, as I found out I was the heaviest I have ever been (including my pregnancy) I decided it was time I started working out. I have not lost fantastic amounts of weight yet or anything. But, I did go running today. It was today that I remembered how beneficial sheer exhaustion can be.

Yeah, he is totally adorable
I am not in great shape (heaviest of my life). In my run/walk I had to run up a hill that I hated even when I ran 3 miles a day. I was exhausted. It reminded me of when I was in track in high school. I had no business being in track. I can't run, jump or throw. So every practice was really just an exercise in how much my pride could take. Let's just say I am 5'4" and I was in high jump. I was not really destined for success there. However, I ran hard Every. Single. Day. Today as I ran up the hill, my thought process went "here we go, crappy hill . . . It's a party in the USA . . . whoo, this is hard! . . . one step. . . one step . . . one step. . ." My point being that eventually I stopped thinking and instead felt like it was sheer force of will driving me up that hill. It was glorious, and I feel like I conquered that voice inside saying I Can't. For Today.

This is how I spend most of my day. This very position. It wreaks havoc on my arms.
Good Book to Read: The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander A fantastic author and a fantastic book. My mom introduced me to this series. Full of Welsh lore, but still a totally original fantasy for lovers of the juvenile/ya fantasty genre.