I am completely aware I look like a slightly wal-eyed, half crazed squirrel. But I kinda like it. Also, I was really done trying to take a picture of myself that made me look both smart and sexy. So I went with crazy and ditzy instead.
Here are ten fun facts about me:
1. At the time this picture was taken (about ten minutes ago) I had broken the button on one pair of pants because they were painfully too small, and the crotch in my other pair of jeans has been worn thin by my sausage thighs rubbing together. It finally ripped this morning. I have my one surviving pair of jeans in the dryer. With like a million towels. It will take forever to dry.
2. I am reading Mindy Kaling's new book 'Is everyone hanging out without me?' and it is way better than Tina Fey's book. I will probably devote another blog to this. If I don't forget by next week. Maybe I will write it down . . .
3. I own a lot of shoes I never wear. And they are mostly fancy sandal/heels type shoes.
4. I won first place in a relay sprint triathlon with my brother and father. I did the swim portion. Also, I am not skinny. For proof of this, please refer to point number one.
5. I own a sweater from my rival highschool that says 'Riverton Track and Field' that my dad found at the Track Field after a Track Meet. He brought it home washed it and gave it to me. And it is the most comfortable thing I have ever worn.
6. I own a Kindle. It makes me feel fancy.
7. I am desperate to decorate our apartment crazy cute. I am also lazy. These two things battle constantly in my head.
8. I am going to IKEA later to get lost, and get some boxes to organize our back room. I want to blog about IKEA as well later. Please take note.
9. I really like to cook. And eat. I am probably going to make pumpkin pie or some such nonsense today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. I had these really cute little pumpkins all over my house, and now that Halloween has come and gone, so too do the pumpkins. I need to get my Thanksgiving decorations up before Thanksgiving. This may or may not happen.
10. I am big on disinfectant, I hate brushing my teeth at night, I really like shopping and style even though I really am lacking in the latter, and I have a weird love of office supplies.
I think that should cover it for me. If anyone feels so inclined they are welcome to add.
Favorite song of the moment: Someone Like You by Adele (who has a cockney accent -- who knew? Jameson hates her for it)
Favorite Book of the moment: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
I'm so glad you and crazed squirrelness are back!!! :) I think it's actually a very cute picture of you! I feel your pants frustration, and I think brushing at night is so overrated. Oh Congrats on the good news that debbie told me, but I'm not sure if it is still hush hush so I'll just say congratulations! (kinda makes it sound like I'm referring to you being prego, but i'm not, even if I wish :)
ReplyDeleteYou have style. Also, you get the weird office supply thing from me. Whenever your dad can't find me he goes to the office supply part of the store, there I am, checking out little sticky pads, or boxes to put things in or funny shaped paperclips.
ReplyDeleteHey I love your ramblings!!! It's about time you gave me more!