Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ice Fishing

Just yesterday, my little family went with some friends to Strawberry Reservoir to go ice fishing. For anyone with a general knowledge of my character growing up, my forays into the wilderness are a bit of a surprise (if not outright shock). I am a bookworm and a homebody. However, I am married to an adventurer, and no lover of fantasy novels can live with themselves if they don't take opportunities for adventure when they present themselves.

Such is the case here. My husband asked if we could go to a free clinic being held that taught people the basics of ice fishing. Now, Jameson had previously been ice fishing and had a vague idea of what was needed. I felt all I could really bring to the table was a firm belief that I could keep my infant warm in the face of frightening cold. I succeeded. However, we didn't catch any fish.

 This picture is of Packer after he fell asleep on Jameson. Turns out 6 month old infants can and will sleep in sub zero weather.

I know that my eyes are closed, but I look happy. This is when we first set up camp and Packer was awake, happy, and very interested to find that the landscape and the sky looked about the same.

 We set up a little tent Pack and Play of sorts. It really worked out until he wanted to sleep, and then he insisted on being held.

These are our good friends Taylor and Tiffany Christensen. They braved the cold with us, and consequently won a slot on our Zombie escape plan.

I wanted to just let you know what ice fishing is really like. They say it is more social than shore fishing. I found it to be a lot of huddling around a hole in the ice while staring at a rather dainty fishing pole.

Overall, it was great fun and I am so glad to have a husband that pushes me out of my comfort zone to do things this little creature of comfort would never dream of!

Good Book to Read: Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy -- This is a no-brainer for anyone who loves the musical or the movie. Obviously, the book came first; however it is just plain fun -- you will get a kick out of the whole thing and it is horribly romantic.

Good Series to Watch: Lost Girl -- I have to warn you: this is SAUCY. The main character is a succubus, so you can imagine there is a fair amount of seduction. Nevertheless, I always appreciate when mythical creatures are taken out of the forest and put on the nitty gritty streets of the here and now. I also appreciate that most of the characters are not vampires or werewolves. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Top Five

I feel the need to preface this post by saying that I love my husband and wouldn't ever actually make good on what you are about to read.

Most couples have some sort of celebrity crush list. My parents each picked one celebrity that they could run away with and come back a week or two later with no repercussions. My mom chose Tom Selleck.

My father picked a popular singer at the time, and I don't remember who she was.

The understanding that Jameson and I have is that we have a 'top five list' with the same rules as my parents. Jameson doesn't really take the list seriously since

1. We are not really very likely to ever meet anyone famous, let alone someone on the top 5 list and
2. They are not very likely to want to run away with us for a few weeks, even if I did have a rockin' bod (which I don't).

The only time that he uses the top five list is to try to make me jealous. This doesn't work for the exact same reasons that he doesn't take it seriously.

Anyway, here is my top five list:

Number 5: Slot still open

Number 4:  Chris Hemsworth -- I just don't feel this needs an explanation.


Number 3: Jeremy Renner -- I feel like he has the 'good guy/tough guy thing' down.


Number 2: John Krasinski: I will admit, I like him because he reminds me of Jameson

Number 1: This is a hotly contested issue in our house. Do I like Martin Freedman because he looks like Jameson, or do I like Jameson because he looks like Martin Freedman? The world may never know . . .

Nevertheless, here are the real boys in my life that I get to love on everyday. Could I be luckier? Absolutely not!

Good Book to Read: The Distant Hours by Kate Morton

Good Series to Watch: Being Human -- there is a British and an American version. This is a rare occasion where I prefer the American version.