Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lucky Lander Land Fourth of July

So this year Jameson got the FULL Lander fourth of July experience, from the Bills fireworks to the war zone that becomes Lander. Anyway, it was a blast (literally) and once the festivities were over, we hiked up to the falls. It was a little too crazy to go off the falls right now, especially with the wild run-off that Lander had this year. But there were some pretty amazing views that reminded me just how much I love this place.

Anyway, it was great to see family. Even if my Mama wasn't there. We have some great pictures and great memories. We got to shoot off some fireworks with the whole block of kids. We had bottlerockets, and none of them did. Their mothers had to drag them back to their houses. The boy next door, Riley, hung out with us all day, and thought he was a pyrotechnic professional by the end of the night.

Good Music: Unknown Anthem (Jameson's band that is opening for the Ataris in Salt Lake at Kilby Court on the 29th of July!)


  1. Lander really is a beautiful place. Jared and I did some backpacking in the Wind Rivers a few summers ago and it was amazing I wish I lived closer so I could go backpacking there again! Glad to hear that you guys had a great 4th of July!

  2. Sorry I missed it, but happy you were here! Hopefully we can ALL be in Lander next year!
