Monday, February 18, 2013

Hidden Falls/Our Valentine Apocalypse

This week was packed with good stuff. For those of you who are unaware, I am NOT a girl who is opposed in any way to Valentine's Day. I do not call it Singles Awareness Day (except for the first year I heard it, thought it was clever, subsequently overused it and think the phrase is a more than a bit passe now), I don't wear black, and I make sure that my loved ones know this. Is there anything better in the world than celebrating love, in ALL it's forms? I think NOT!! We are super broke, so we didn't really do very much this year -- Jameson got home with the cutest card EVER and we dropped Packer off with my mother in law then tried to go to Jalisco's (closed for Valentines -- I made up a super romantic story in my head involving the elderly couple that owns it and how he made a special dinner and closed the restaurant on Valentines for his cute little wife that works so hard. P.S. I don't know if an elderly couple owns it). So we ended up at La Morelia, and while the food wasn't great, we sat on the same side of the booth and cuddled while we ate. We didn't really say a whole ton, just enjoyed the quiet and one another's company. Then we picked Packer up, put him to bed and played games and read books all night. AWESOME!!

Onward, Saturday was a gorgeous day in Salt Lake. Hazy, but beautifully warm. We decided to go for a little hike. Edit, I decided to go for a hike and dragged my two boys into it.

At least Jameson is pretending to be happy about it . . .

Anyway, we went to Hidden Falls, which, as the website points out is not a hike, but a short stroll. But it is up in the mountains, so I counted it at Packer's first hike. Super fun. Turned into a photo shoot with Packer -- but it also reminded me how much I love the outdoors, and how much I missed being in it this winter. Note to self: take up snow shoeing.

This is my favorite photo of the whole lot. Packer's hat is kind of in the way, but they have the same expression on their face.
In order to get to the falls, you have to cross a log -- Also Packer is wearing his little hiking boots from Jameson's coworker Annette, it was so cute!!

I just loved how his little hand was on the rock. He was so tentative about touching the rock, it was rather sweet.

We are working on photo shopping Jameson's hand out of the photo . . . but he looks like a wicked cool rock climber!

I know that his eyes are closed, but I am so proud that he can sit on his own, on an uneven rock, with a waterfall behind him.

Jameson was just so cute with his little man here the whole trip. He is so good and fun with him.

I kind of look half Asian here, but I'm not.
Good Books to Read: Totally Cliche by Mormon Mommy Writers -- This is a collection of short stories that are a lot of fun. My friend, Jennie Bennett has a story in there. I am so proud of her and the story is great! Another great book is Reasons I Fell for the Fat Funny Friend by Becca Ann -- this is a funny quick read that is really empowering for women who aren't a size 2 or less.

Favorite song right now: Thrift Shop by Macklemore -- this is a cleaned up version, just know that the video is so incredibly funny, but the language is pretty bad. So if you don't mind some f-bombs, look up the official video.


  1. Thanks for the shout out sweetie! Your family is just too cute for words, and you really do not look Asian, lol!

  2. Looks like a fun outing! Your little man is quite the outdoors man.
