Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everyday Divinity

I know, I haven't posted in forever. I don't feel bad about it.

So, funny story, I forgot to ask someone to cover for one of my teachers today, so I ended up teaching the lesson on Individual Responsibility (of all things) in church. Anyway, long story short, it went well, and I got to teach.  Which I love. So things could have been worse.

Lately, I have been . . . FRUSTRATED with my chosen role as a stay at home mother. The sheer tedium of 2 year old conversations have slowly been driving me to the brink of insanity. As I studied for this lesson, I was reminded that this very work that I do that is the most important. And not for my kids. Consistent work that is motivated by love teaches me to be a better person -- hopefully more like my Father in Heaven. If our God loves us (and he does), then why is so much of our lives forcing ourselves to do things that we would rather not (thinking of dishes here)? In order to grow, we have to work. We must overcome obstacles and learn wisdom.

I still hate washing dishes, but at least for now, I remember that there is a greater purpose to it.

Good Book to Read: The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle -- Seriously, I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads.

Good Youtube: This is a video I showed to the ladies in church.

Our week, in photos:

Napping at Murray Park

Hanging with our main man Spencer in 'my' leaves.

Falling in love with a stuffed cat at Wiggle Worms at the library and consequently riding it for the duration of the program.

Napping at the library
Feigning (or maybe genuine) disinterest in penguins at the aquarium.

Napping at the aquarium

1 comment:

  1. I kind of wish all the photos had been 'napping' :) still loved them all! Loved the insight too
