Monday, May 12, 2014

Garbage Cake

Today as I was cleaning the bathroom, I realized that the house was suspiciously quiet. For those of you who don't have kids, I want to say that when kids are quiet, it doesn't ALWAYS indicate that your child is doing something they know they aren't supposed to. But it usually ends up that way.

This was no exception. I had thrown away a cake that a friend had given us. It had sat on the counter a little too long and was super stale. Packer found it as he was riffling through the garbage (it was mostly on top) and thought he won the jack pot. By the time I found him, half the garbage cake was missing.

Jameson said Packer was gross. I said funny and determined.
After I took a picture, he realized he was caught, grabbed a giant handful and cake, and ran the opposite direction I was coming from.

Stuffing his face, and, seriously, the cake ended up everywhere in our house.
I am a pretty laid back mom, and honestly didn't care if he wanted to dig through the garbage for stale cake (I swear I feed my son). Cleaning up after Packer was pretty easy, and I am keeping my fingers crossed he didn't ingest some sort of nasty amoeba that gives him the runs.

However, I couldn't get too mad, because I have made far bigger messes that needed way more cleaning up when I was going after my own version of 'garbage cake'.

In the future, when I decide I just don't care, and must have _____________, I will try to ask myself, 'Is this garbage cake?' It might save me from some bad decisions . . .

Or not.

Good Book to Read: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. I am not quite through it, but such a grand idea that really carries surprisingly well.

1 comment:

  1. If I haven't already I will have to show you the one of Jameson when he got into the fridge and smeared peanut butter and jam all over himself! I just grabbed the camera and snapped away!
    You just can't get mad at times like that :) what a great mummy you are!
