Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Living With Myself

I understand that the title to this particular post may be a tad confuzzling. Let me define: I mean living with myself as actuality, not metaphysically.

Those who have been my roommates (from parents to college to husband and everything inbetween) know that I am a hoot to live with. I am a riot with so much charm and charisma it figuratively leaks out my giant brown eyeballs. That said, I have lived with myself for a very long time, and I have found that sometimes that charisma pools up and makes the kitchen floor sticky. I rarely clean that up. So here is a top five list of all the things that I don't like to clean in my house, but I have to because I live with me.

1. The Dishes. Oh. My. Goodness. It is a daily battle with the inner me to complete this chore. I try to pass it off to my husband, but it totally doesn't work. I regularly miss days because 'I just can't face it' -- then I have Mt. Dishmore to climb for the rest of the week. I hate this.

2. My Bedroom. This has been a struggle for me since I was small. I would rather my mother give me ANYTHING else to do -- besides cleaning the dishes.

3. Re-Organizing Anything. Let's face it, I am a driven person. Ambitious to a fault. I often take on organizational projects that are just plain beyond me and my minor skills. Thus we end up with a pile of boxes that has yet to be a. used or b. thrown away because I am going to use them.

4. Doing more than one chore in an hour. I hate this chores are the pits. I have read multiple parenting books that talk about being positive about doing chores and your kids will enjoy doing them. HA! They will not. No one would rather mop the floor than read Hidden Order by Brad Thor. 

5. Decorating. I actually love to decorate my home. Unfortunately, I share that with my husband, who has definite ideas about what does and does not look good. These ideas often clash with mine and what results is little to no decor in our home.

What are your least favorite chores?

Good Series to watch: Melissa and Joey -- only watch this if you loved Sabrina: the teenage witch. If you did not, you will simply never appreciate the humor used.


  1. HA HA HA! I love this post! I can attest to all of these but the decorating. It was your half of the room so you got to do what you wanted. But you are a brave lady for putting it all out there. The chore that I hate the worst out of everything is keeping my counter tops clutter free. I pile everything on them and then have no idea where everything goes. I also really hate folding and putting away laundry it will sit there for weeks if I don't force myself to do it. Love you Katie!

  2. Mt. Dishmore! :) we get that too. I hate cleaning bathrooms, probably from growing up with 3 boys who couldn't (or wouldn't) aim...

  3. I can attest to all of the above!


  4. Also, I do not believe chore and favorite should be in the same sentence. Maybe task.
