Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Day and Nathan and Keiko's Wedding

My life is filled with adventures. First we are going to discuss my wonderful husband and the adventure that was visited my mama for mother's day. Second we will discuss by cousin Nathan's wedding.

First, my sweet husband. I really wanted to visit with my mother for mother's day. However, as time approached, it became evident that this was simply not to be the case. I worked all weekend (except Sunday) and it just didn't seem quite feasable. Then my delightful boy toy suggested that we drive down and back in the same day! Done and done. The look on my mother's face as we surprised her by walking into church was priceless.

Second, I accompanied my mother to my cousin Nathan's wedding. It was in the morning at the God-awful hour of 8:15, of course, we had to be there at 7:45. So I ended up staying the night with my mother in the hotel room after gorging myself at Village Inn (really? I couldn't pick a better place?) Anyway, I said my name after my prayer, so my mom would know I was done praying. She as she and her sister Rhonda used to do as children. It made my Mom laugh in the middle of her prayer. But I think that God got the joke and was laughing too. Then we went to a lovely sealing ceremony and the couple looks like they are off to a great start.

Books I have read recently: The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon Very good, but very dark and a little disturbing.

Great website for cajun cooking recipes:

1 comment:

  1. One of the best surprises of my life, love that boy toy of yours! Could not make myself read "The Angel's Game", started it but it is heading back to the library. Will try again later. Just read Harlen Coben's book "Caught" on the way home from Southern Utah,definitely kept my attention, finished before bed.
