Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Horizons

This week I got a new job, well sort of. I will be working for venerable Zions Bank still, but I will be in a more permanent location doing the same thing. I was hired as a teller at the Taylorsville branch. I am excited and nervous. Lots of new things have happened and changed my life recently, and I am just barely starting to adjust to those changes. This should be a good thing because I can take classes in the morning and get my nursing degree.

Among other great things, Jameson has finally decided that he will go to get his MBA right after graduation. Hopefully in the fall following his graduation in December. Of course, this direction is always subject to change. It seems that important decisions constantly need us to to make them. That time of life and all that rot. Anyway, nothing particularly exciting to report. And for that, I am grateful.

Great new recipe:

I made it the other night -- exciting :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Stye -- No, Not Our Room

That is beside the point. The important thing here is what thrilling thing happened this week: not much. I worked all weekend. Good for fundage, not fun for me to work 13 hours one day and teach nursery the next day at church. Especially when we have biters. Darn cute little biters.

Work was pretty cool just because I got to be part of a proposal. Not at Zions Bank, but at Nickelmania. I saw Billy Winter (who is recently engaged) at Nickelmania the other day when I was working (not my finest hour, I might add). Anyway, she called me at work and asked if I could help her friend with a proposal. I guess that they had their first date at Nickelmania, and wanted my help so that they could 'trade in their tickets for the ring'. He had this really cute teddybear (that would be worth like 1300 tickets) and he tied the ring to the bear, then asked what we had up on the wall for 83 tickets. I gave him the teddy bear and he proposed. I got all giddy and excited. I am such a girl. It wasn't the best of proposals, but who am I to complain?

I almost forgot: The stye. The stye in the eye. Jameson woke up looking like I had done some serious beating in my sleep. We waited for it to calm down, thinking it was a spider bite (I found an angry looking red spider the night before and in my fear perhaps threw it across the room instead of smashing it dead) or perhaps allergies. Turns out it was a stye. A stye is when a tear duct gets clogged (not unlike a nasty zit -- only you can't pop it) this clogged duct gets immediately infected and becomes swollen. After LOTS of antibiotics, he just looks like he's been smoking lots o the mary jane. But he hasn't been, Dad.

Fun book that I bought Jameson: Utah Curiosities -- I figure we don't have much money to go anywhere, so expect lots of photos from Utah's largest ball of cheese.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Down the Rabbit Hole, To the Right

Okay, so much has happened in the last few weeks, and I am learning that I simply can't blog about all of it. So instead, I will just write a few words about the Family Reunion that we went to, since it is mostly only family that reads this blog. In fact, I think that it may be only my mom. So she will most want to hear about the family reunion.

Jameson pretty much dominated in every sport that was played, earning him a man-crush from almost every one of my cousins. It helps that he loves to shoot, hike, play drums, and soccer. For me, it was mostly fun to see everyone that I don't get to see every day. It was so good to see all of my cousins and their kids. They are all growing up so fast. It turns out that my cousin Troy is in the same program that Jameson is in at the same school. I am sure that they will see each other much more often in the halls now. They might even say hello to one another. My other cousins all seem to be in a good place, or at least on their way there. It is such a treat to see family. There is something about returning to one's roots that is strengthening and uplifting. I know that there are many wise words describing this very thing, but I was listening to a country music song (yes, a country music song) that discussed this, and the 'house that built me'. "I thought if I could touch this place or feel it, This emptiness inside me might start healin', Out here it's like I'm someone else, I thought that maybe I could find myself, If I could just come in, I swear I'll leave, Won't take nothin but a memory from the house that built me . . . "

Just something that has been on my mind lately.

Good Books to read: The Percy Jackson Series -- I finally broke down and bought the last book. It was worth it.