So not only did we keep Packer alive for seven months -- we made it to eight. That's right! We are totally the parents of the year. Some of you may be thinking - ha! we have six kids (Cami) and kept all of them alive and relatively accident free. Here is what I have to say to you: I am by far less responsible than you could ever pretend you were. This is a massive accomplishment for the two of us and we WILL celebrate accordingly!
Where did that sweet little boy come from with his easy smile? Oh yeah . . . Heaven!
So some stats on Packer: I have no idea what he weighs, and since we lack a scale in our home (it just depresses me -- taking away from the fact that I work out regularly and still don't lose weight but I look AWESOME). But I would wager he weighs 16-17 lbs. Somewhere in there. I would also guess that he is about 28-30 in long. He is crawling around on all fours and seems to enjoy his new found mobility. He can say dadadada and bababababa and mamamamamama and gagagagagagaa. And sometimes dadee. It is important to note that none of this babbling seems to be associated with any one person or object just yet. He is in 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers (this just barely happened like 3 days ago). He loves to go outside, but I think he gets a little frustrated in the stroller sometimes since he can't stop and smell (or eat) the roses. He has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom -- in the front, and can consequently get a little cranky and drool-y, especially at night. He loves to flirt with strangers, but gets a little nervous whenever Mom and Dad aren't around. He loves to read books with me, and his favorite is by far 10 Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes by Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury. He used to sleep through the night, but now wakes up at about 3 or 4 to eat before going back to sleep. He wakes up for good around 8 in the morning, but that has changed to 9 since daylight savings. Pretty sweet business, and I hope that it lasts. However I am pretty sure his schedule will shake back out. He goes to bed at about 8:30. We do late bedtimes since Dad gets home so late. Otherwise, he would never get to see his dad. Who is a rock star in his baby's eyes. Jameson is just so much fun.
This is from when he was about 6 months, but it really shows how much fun he has with his Dad. They do all the crazy things that mom just won't do.
We had a really sweet moment on Saturday. Packer generally is banned from our room, but on Saturday, I got up to get him in the morning at 8. I had to tinkle first, so I went in the bathroom. While the tinkling ensued, Jameson got up and got Packer, and brought him back to the bed. Initially, his trick worked, and I was a bit confused as to where the baby went. Turns out he was hidden under the covers of our bed and we had a fun and raucous morning all together. Lots of smiles and laughs. It was a stand out morning for me.
When I was at a Women's Conference for church, Jameson had some fun with the drums. There is a video of him actually playing the drums as well.
Good Books to Read: Crazy Little Thing by Tracy Brogan -- this was a fun, saucy little romance in which it was easy to hate the bad guy, love the good guy, and root for the heroine. Favorite quote: 'Fashion is what separates us from the animals. And from the rednecks.' Not a lot of overt sex scenes (there are a few), but lots of funny innuendo. I found it on the kindle library check out for prime members.
Good Music to Listen To: Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney in honor of time flying by so very fast with my sweet little family. I know it is cheesy. I don't care.
Love the way you write,ma'am. Always have.:) xoxo