Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunshine and Happiness

Let's be honest, it has been unseasonably warm in Utah. Like most of my friends, I have discussed how I am vaguely worried about summer and how I want to be able to take a shower (drought conditions can make this iffy) when summer comes. But. The truth is . . . I am in love with an early, mild wonderful spring. I wake up to sunshine and hopefulness, instead of the dreary dream-killer that usually reigns over February in these parts.

That has been the theme of this past week . . . sunshine and happiness. We got to do so many fun things. Packer got to chase some geese at Wheeler Farm. Yes, I realize the parental irresponsibility in this, but most of the geese here do not find my son to be enough of a threat or an annoyance to chase him back. Also, I was close enough to punt them across the field if things got out of hand.

 Jameson also scored some free tickets at work to the Jazz game on Wednesday. It pays to work at Zions Bank sometimes. We had great seats, and were able to take our son to a fun game. I am fairly sure that Packer has been more places and done more things at 2 years old than I had at 20. That might not be a good thing. He was pretty terrified when the Jazz Bear came out on a motorcycle and revved the engine while flames shot from the hoops. He kept an eye on where the bear was for the remainder of our time there, which was until half time.

I think I am most proud of Packer finally climbing up a ladder at the park. He is a cautious little fellow, so it was quite the accomplishment.

 We visited the aquarium, and the penguins were unusually friendly and excited to come up to the glass, thrilling myself and Packer. And about 50 other kids. 

Jameson has also decided to compete in a Go Ruck challenge, and has been training rather fiercely. Packer and I met Jameson and his brother, Wesley, at the park the other day during a training session, and Packer got to participate. It was just about the cutest thing ever.

In other news, I am 7 books into my 52 book challenge for the year. Follow me on Goodreads to know exactly what I am reading at any given moment. But right now I recommend Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker, M.D. I would like to point out that this book took me almost a month to read. Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper took me 2 days. Good things sometimes require an investment.

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