Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun

We have done many a Halloween thing this year, and I am just about Halloween-ed out. Here is a list of all the awesome fun things that we have done:

1. Carved Pumpkins (more to follow on that)

2. Watched innumerable scary movies

3. Saw the Odyssey Dance Company's Production of Thriller

4. Went to the Haunted House Nightmare on 13th

5. Visited the Haunted Village at This is the Place Monument

6. Ran in the Highway to Hale 5k -- many runners were in costume, but not I.

7. Dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood.

Thriller was so much fun to go to, and also had the best zombie costumes that I have seen in some time. They wandered about before and after the show. We tried to snag a picture, but just didn't have the chops for it. Nightmare on 13th was okay -- it was a very classic haunted house. However, my favorite was the Haunted Village. It was amazing and so much fun!! It was at This is the Place Monument and they had statues of headless horsemen and whatnot instead of pioneer women playing with children. You had to walk through the village of pioneer homes and they were all very haunted. Our friend Taylor was kind enough to inform a few of the ghouls of my name, so they called it out quite a bit as we wandered through. We were the last to go through and it was very dark and lonely.

For me, though, it just isn't Halloween unless you get to carve a pumpkin. I happily blame my father for this. So for FHE on Monday night we invited over some friends (Taylor, Hannah and Nikki) and we all carved pumpkins and watched a scary movie. I also roasted some pumpkin seeds, which took me right back to some very fond memories of my childhood.

Here is Nikki and Hannah discussing their works of art

Here is Taylor, quite proud of his werewolf pumpkin -- he was sure that his limited art skills would simply not allow him to succeed at pumpkin carving. I daresay that he was pleasantly surprised.

Last but not least, here is Jameson, with his awesome bat that looks great! He is my pumpkin carving man!

Anyway, I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday! Happy Halloween and know that we wish you all the best and as much love as we can give!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Workin Hard for the Money

There are four things that dominate my life right now.

1. Work

2. Veronica Mars

3. The Library

4. Exercising

I don't really feel the need to discuss anything but the library. I was looking up book lists online and the best ones that are findable are generated by YALSA (an offshoot of the ALA). I was working at one time on the book list Outstanding Books for the College Bound book list made by them. Instead, I chose the top ten books for Young Adults for 2010. And so far it has proved pretty good. I really enjoy young adult fiction as the format allows for a wider range of creativity. For me the genre generally feels like a cross between a short story and a novel. Anyway, I have already devoured one of the books and am definitely excited to work my way through the rest. However, there are some sweet potatoes about the make their debut on the dinner table, and I want to be there for the event.

Good Book to Read: Demon Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fat Kid Secrets

Yes, this would be a great title for a YA book. However, it comes from my activities this morning. I don't really spend a lot of time just wasting time. Between the two jobs and my everpresent fitness goals, financial goals, relationship goals . . . . let's just say that I rarely actually waste time. However, the other night Jameson went to play some video games with his friends, and I stayed home and was planning on folding laundry while I watched glee. Instead I sat on the couch with the laundry in front of me and instead began what I can already see is going to be a long long long and sordid love affair.

That's right. Veronica Mars. I love the plot, the fun, the serious, and Veronica's style. It is just the right mix of rocker chick mixed with ivy league. I want a pair of plaid jean pants that she has in one of the first episodes. So far no luck finding a similar pair. Anyway, this morning was spent in watching a few episodes. While I did so, I butter some white bread and poured caramel sauce on it. DELICIOUS!!

I call these little tricks fat kid tricks. Mainly because I learned them when I was a fat kid. Seriously, there is nothing better in the world. I mean, in which you can be lazy and all that rot. I might even watch another episode of Veronica Mars . . . and grab me another piece of bread . . . Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone else had some fat kid tricks out there that I could try.

Great Series to watch . . . Veronica Mars

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thwarted by the Camera

So I have been thwarted by the camera. I keep taking the thing to differing events in our lives, hoping to get some good pictures to share with friends and family. Unfortunately, I am always thwarted in one way or another. I either have too low a battery or I forget it in the car or I forget the SD card or some such nonsense.

So I have decided that I will grab my camera when possible and just let you know how our lives are going for the rest.

We are in full horror month swing. We have watched more scary movies that I care to admit. And my dreams are suffering for it. My imagination has gone wild. I am now afraid of the dark. Again. I am actually afraid of any abnormal circumstance which could herald a creepy thing happening. Today no one was awake when I got up for my staff meeting, and I was sure that there was a zombie apocalypse that had taken place during the night (there was not).

My family is probably saying that I am just adding wood to the fire, as I have always had a bit of an active imagination and intense fear of scary things (Hocus Pocus still spooks me a bit). However, they should be glad to know that Jameson and I went to a Haunted House with some friends, and I think I handled myself admirably. I only really screamed when the chainsaw guy came out. And that only because I think that would be the perfect crime. If you wanted to kill someone, why not go where everyone is already screaming, it is poorly lit, and blood and guts are the norm?

Anyway -- fear is a good thing. We do need to have it, I just think that I am not even half way through the month and I don't want to have nightmares til Christmas. My Little Pony Movies . . . here we come.

Movie I watched and surprised me by the plot because I read the short story and it isn't quite the same: The Box