Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fat Kid Secrets

Yes, this would be a great title for a YA book. However, it comes from my activities this morning. I don't really spend a lot of time just wasting time. Between the two jobs and my everpresent fitness goals, financial goals, relationship goals . . . . let's just say that I rarely actually waste time. However, the other night Jameson went to play some video games with his friends, and I stayed home and was planning on folding laundry while I watched glee. Instead I sat on the couch with the laundry in front of me and instead began what I can already see is going to be a long long long and sordid love affair.

That's right. Veronica Mars. I love the plot, the fun, the serious, and Veronica's style. It is just the right mix of rocker chick mixed with ivy league. I want a pair of plaid jean pants that she has in one of the first episodes. So far no luck finding a similar pair. Anyway, this morning was spent in watching a few episodes. While I did so, I butter some white bread and poured caramel sauce on it. DELICIOUS!!

I call these little tricks fat kid tricks. Mainly because I learned them when I was a fat kid. Seriously, there is nothing better in the world. I mean, in which you can be lazy and all that rot. I might even watch another episode of Veronica Mars . . . and grab me another piece of bread . . . Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone else had some fat kid tricks out there that I could try.

Great Series to watch . . . Veronica Mars


  1. i'm the king of fat kid tricks

  2. I don't remember the whole bread, butter, caramel thang. I remember crackers, lots of em - you and Chris both.
