Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Not exactly my A game

So in case any of you are wondering, I am not always on my A game. Seriously, I sometimes just don't bring the thunder. Today was one of those days. There are days that everything you touch turns to gold and days when everything you touch rusts, withers, and dies in a ruin. So there you have it. My day was a withering day. Minus all the books I got for super cheap. My day at worked just kinda stunk. I couldn't seem to do anything right. I hate having to redo work because I didn't do it right the first time and that happened to me quite a bit today. I am just ready for some nice, easy normal days. Just a regular schedule kind of thing. I think there has been a lot of change in our lives, and my psyche could use some stability.

Jameson had his meeting this morning with the air traffic controller. We learned a lot about that possibility. He needs to take a test to be selected for training in Oklahoma. So it looks like we might be in Oklahoma this time next year. We will see. But it is all very exciting. But forget that stability . . .


  1. Stability? what's that? Actually when you're there it gets kinda old. Oklahoma City, hmmm...

  2. Yeah, Jameson and I talked about it, and I think that he has it set in his head that he is going to go for it. Thank Goodness, I think we have settled on something . . .
