Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Life . . . In a Nutshell

So life has pretty much gone how you think it might lately. I work, clean, eat, run . . . and that is about it. My mother is coming down to Salt Lake today, but I won't see her. She has a class she has to attend before her knee surgery in October and then she is off to visit Kerry -- her good friend who could use a little support. We will be going to visit Cami and Cristian . . . and Micah and Timmy and Sammy and Ellie and Mary and Paul . . . as we go down to visit them for Paul's baby blessing.

I have grown less than fond of my wardrobe lately, partly because I can't seem to lose the weight to fit into half of my clothes and also because I have to wear professional clothes everyday and seem to wear the same things over and over. I will be buying a skirt, cardigan and vest soon . . . but am not sure where to go. Any suggestions?

Good Music: Hey Soul Sister by Train

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